Think tanker
Miscellaneous academic publications
2020 - La politique commerciale européenne face aux nouveaux défis géopolitiques, Annuaire Français des Relations Internationales, Vol XXI, 2020.
2019 - The EU and the Rise of US Protectionism, chapter in book The European Union in Crisis: What Challenges Lie ahead and Why It Matters for Korea, published by Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, in collaboration with the Institut Français des Relations Internationales, May 2019.
2015 - The Politics of TTIP in Europe: In the Shadow of the Ageing German Voter, CATO Institute, October 2015
2014 - After Ukraine: Enhancing Europe’s Gas Security, CSS Policy Perspectives, Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich, with Jonas Grätz, March 2014
2014 - Beyond Dutch Disease. When deteriorating rule of law affects trade with and investment from advanced economies, Economics of Transition, Volume 22, Issue 2 Pages 211–395 - with Erik van der Marel
2013 - International energy security challenges for Europe in the coming years, in International Issues & Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs, Vol. XXII, No. 3 – 2013
2013 - Paradigm shifts for European energy security? Shale gas, US "strategic retreat", and the shift of energy markets to Asia, Policy Paper, Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs, 18 June 2013
2012 - Beyond Dutch Disease. When Deteriorating Rule of Law affects Russian Trade in High-Tech Goods and Services with Advanced Economies, Mimeo - Groupe Economie Mondiale, Sciences Po - with with Erik van der Marel
2012 - Dreyer, I. (2012), Trade Policy in the EU's Neighbourhood. Ways Forward for the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreements, Notre Europe/Institut Jacques Delors, May 2012
Institut Montaigne
2016 - Traité transatlantique: Pourquoi persévérer, Note de l'Institut Montaigne, octobre 2016
2013 - Commerce extérieur: refuser le déclin. Propositions pour renforcer notre présence dans les échanges internationaux, Note de l'Institut Montaigne, Paris, juillet 2013
2012 - Faire de la transition énergétique un levier de compétitivité, Note de l'Institut Montaigne, novembre 2012
European Union Institute for Security Studies
2015 - On target? EU sanctions as security policy tools, Report No. 25, EU Institute for Security Studies - with José Luengo-Cabrera
2015 - Sanctions against ‘aggressors’– seven lessons, EUISS Brief No. 23, April 2015
2014 - Do sanctions against Russia work? EUISS Brief No. 35, December 2014 - with Nicu Popescu
2014 - Trading with Moscow: the law, the politics and the economics, EUISS Brief No. 31 - with Nicu Popescu
2014 - Energising TTIP - Diversificaton through trade?, EUISS Brief No. 18, June 2014
2014 - The Eurasian Customs Union: the economics and the politics , EUISS Brief No. 11, March 2014 - with Nicu Popescu
2014 - Energy moves and power shifts - EU foreign policy and global energy security, Report No. 18, EU Institute for Security Studies, February 2014. - with Gerald Stang
2013 - What energy security for the EU, Brief No. 39, EUISS, 8 November 2013, with Gerald Stang
2013 - Renewables - Do they matter for foreign policy?, Brief No. 23, EUISS
2013 - The shale gas 'revolution': challenges and implications for the EU, Brief - No. 11, EUISS
2013 - Foresight in governments - trends and practices around the world, EUISS Yearbook of European Security, May 2013 - with Gerald Stang
2011 - Potential Contours of the World Economy by 2030. Stakes for the European Union. Mimeo. August 2011. Background paper to the EU-sponsored 2011 European Strategy and Policy Analysis System. Available on request.
European Centre for International Political Economy
2010 - Vested and Invested Interests. The Role of Investor Protection in EU Russia Relations, ECIPE Policy Brief, No 2/2010, with Fredrik Erixon
2010 - Beyond Geopolitics – the Case for a Free Trade Accord between the EU and Taiwan, ECIPE Occasional Paper No. 03/2010 - with Razeen Sally et al.
2010 - The Quest for Gas Market Competition - Fighting Europe's Dependency on Russian Gas More Effectively, ECIPE Occasional Paper 01/2010, January 2010 - with Fredrik Erixon and Robin Winkler
2008 - Trade in Information Technology Goods: Adapting the ITA to 21st Century Technological Change, ECIPE Working Paper No. 06/2008
2009 - Russian Commercial Policies and the European Union – Can Russia be Anchored in a Legal International Economic Order?, ECIPE Working Paper No. 05/2008 - with Brian Hindley
2008 - An EU-China trade dialogue: a new policy framework to contain deteriorating trade relations, ECIPE Policy Brief, No.3/2008, April 2008.