Media, events, podcasts, testimonies 

September 2024, World Trade Organization, Public Forum, 11 September 2024. Moderated a plenary panel discussion on The WTO at 30: Revolution or Evolution? The video can be watched here.

May 2024, In conversation with M Gasiorek and A Breckenridge in the in the Centre for Inclusive Trade Policy's Trade Bites Podcast on Trade and Economic Security, 15 May 2024.

September 2023, Discussed Martin Daunton's new book The Economic Government of the World 1933-2023 at the World Trade Organization's annual Public Forum in Geneva. Footage here.

April 2023, featured in the TradeSplaining podcast run by Geneva-based trade professionals Ardian Mollabeciri and Robert Skidmore.

March 2023, My Borderlex column on the EU's response to the United States green tech subsidies referenced in the Financial Times's Trade Secrets newsletter.  

February 2023, Panellist at London School of Economics conference Global Trade Policy Challenges: preparing for the next decade. 1 February 2023. With Ignacio Garcia Bercero, Crawford Falconer, Han-Koo Yeo, Jie Yu, John Alty.

December 2022: I am a witness at the Formal meeting (oral evidence session): UK-EU trading relationship organised by the International Trade Committee of the House of Commons.

June 2022, The EU and WTO reform prospects. On a panel hosted by the Friends of Multilateralism group on 30 June 2022. Other speakers: Cecilia Malmström (former EU trade commissioner) and Ignacio Garcia-Bercero (DG Trade).

June 2022, Borderlex article on Energy Charter Treaty authored by Iana Dreyer referenced in Financial Times 'Trade Secrets' 27 June 2022 edition.

February 2022, Responding to Weaponised Trade – What is the Best EU Anti-Coercion Strategy to Defend the Single Market?, Globesec webinar

September 2021, Europe’s Trade Policy and Open Strategic Autonomy, Trade Talks Podcast no 157, Peterson Institute for International Economics

February 2021/février 2021, Et le bilan de la guerre commerciale initiée par Donald Trump est....  Interview dans

January 2021, After the great divorce - the UK EU trade relationship after Brexit, podcast by the UK Trade Policy Observatory

January 2021, "EU has a chance to change from negotiator to political enforcer", cited in the Financial Times

September 2021, Britain's role in the World Trade Organization after Brexit, panellist at the Institute for Government

July 2019, "Europe uses trade deals to push for climate change action", cited in the Financial Times

January 2020, On BBC World Service talking about... Brexit

Avril 2019, "Guerre commerciale avec les Etats-Unis : pourquoi la stratégie d’Emmanuel Macron inquiète les autres capitales européennes", Interview dans

December 2021, On BBC Newsnight talking about Post Brexit UK trade policy

July 2014, Quoted in the Washington Post on crude oil trade in TTIP

April 2014, Interviewed on growth potential for French SME exports in the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry's (CCI) Toulouse branche's magazine Diccit No.11, pp. 18-21.

March 2014, The Energy Post endorses my latest paper with ETH Zürich (co-author J Grätz) in European debate over gas relations with Russia 

February 2014, Interview and coverage of EUISS energy security paper by Europolitics, N° 4812 

July 2013, interview in leading French economic magazine L'Usine Nouvelle on US-EU free trade deal.

July 2013, Institut Montaigne video - Commerce extérieur, quelles perspectives?

May 2013 - On Swiss Radio commenting in German on EU antidumping case against Chinese solar panels (erratum: I am no longer at ECIPE, contrary to what was said)

November 2012 - Quoted in the Japan Times on the importance of increasing trade in services among advanced economies

April 2012 - On Press TV commenting French public finances

Feb 2012 - On Finance TV (German) commenting on French fiscal policies

December 2011 - on BBC World Service - comments on Russia's imminent WTO accession

Nov 2011 - Quoted in Bloomberg on Russian WTO accession

Oct 2011 - Interviewed in German by the Swiss radio broadcaster Schweizer Rundfunk on China's willingness or not to help the Eurozone in crisis. German speakers, listen here.