

I am the founder and editor of

Borderlex is the go-to resource for news, analysis, commentary, insights, in-depth technical analysis on trade policy and international trade agreement negotiations in Europe. 

Miscellaneous news pieces 

Since 2014, you can find most of my journalism on trade policy and politics at, the news website I founded and which is now the reference publication on all things trade policy in Europe.

November 2015, Ukraine sees EU free trade deal from 2016 though hurdles remain, BNE Intellinews

August 2015, EU seeks end to Romania, Slovakia investor protection treaties, BNE Intellinews

August 2015, TTIP vote leaves EU investor rights in legal limbo", FDI Magazine/FDI Intelligence (Financial Times Group)

July 2015, French meat and livestock producers still protesting, despite rescue package,

July 2015, Intesa banks on Turkish delight, BNE Intellinews

July 2015, BOOK REVIEW: French literary scene rediscovers Central Europe, BNE Intellinews

July 2015, France’s PSA Raising African Profile in Morocco, Wardsauto

June 2015, "Healthy trade prospects seen for Central, Southeast Europe EU states, BNE Intellinews

May 2015, Not much left for Eastern Partners to aspire to as EU focuses on own interests in Riga, BNE Intellinews

May 2015, Trade finance in Bulgaria: a winding road to maturity, BNE Intellinews

April 2006,  Image problems paint grim industry picture, PWM Magazine

Opinion pieces

Since 2014, you can find plenty of commentary on trade policy and politics at, the news website I founded and which is now the reference publication on all things trade policy in Europe.

November 2015, EU-Japan FTA: Why negotiations are far from over,

October 2015, Does the EU new trade communication deserve to be called a strategy?

October 2013, La France doit avant tout internationaliser sa production, L'Expansion No. 788, octobre 2013

June 2013, What is behind France’s call for a “European energy community?,

January 2013, EU–Japan free trade talks: better opportunities in the service sector", East Asia Forum

May 2012, EU is exporting rules to neighbourhood, rather than trade, Public Service Europe

July 2011, China's coming era of slower growth: are western economies prepared?, East Asia Forum

June 2011, Break it up and shake it up. Stagnant European gas market needs radical reforms, European Energy Review

Januaey 2011,  China Is No White Knight in Europe’s Debt Crisis, in Bloomberg BusinessWeek

October 2020, With Enlargement Prospects Dim, is it Worth Signing Up to a DCFTA with the European Union?, on Eastern Partnership Community Website

July 20101, Re-globalizing Taiwan,  The Wall Street Journal Asia

April 2010, A Vicious Gas Cycle, The European Voice

April/May 2020, Transatlantic Trade: Now is the Time for Audacity, in European Affairs

May 2010, The Battle of the BITs in Al Majalla

April/May 2010, Heading Towards a Battle of the BITs, in FDI Magazine

March 2010, Dream of the mundane, not pipes, in The European Voice

March 2010 , The EU must act at home to counter Gazprom’s power, in Business New Europe

February 2010, Taking on the gas Goliath, in E!Sharp

February 2010,  The The competition case against Gazprom, the European Energy Review

January 2010, Trade Winds. EU-Arab Relations: Working Around Trade Negotiations Impasses, Al Majalla

January 2010, Applying Effective Competition Rules in the EU’ Gas Markets to Regulate Energy Relations with Russia, in Europe’s World

December 2009, There Will Be Gas – Joining the Gas Competition in the EU, in Al Majalla

December 2009, Doszukując się sensu w kryzysie…, in Liberte Magazine

September 2009, Should and Can the US Fast-Track Russia’s Accession to the WTO?, in Business New Europe,

May 2009, Mending EU-China Trade Ties, in The Wall Street Journal

April 2009, EU should use international law to tackle Russian energy relations, Business New Europe

March 2009, Preparing for the Next Stage of Growth – Deepening India’s Integration in the World Economy, in The India Economy Review, Volume VI, 31st March 2009

March 2009, Trade in Information Technology – Is the ITA still Relevant?, in Bridges News and Analysis, Volume 1, March 2009, with Brian Hindley

February 2009, EU-Central Asia – Priorities for a Vital Relationship, on

June 2008, L’or noir des Kazakhs, Telos

Global Conditions Blog

Between 2006 and 2009 I blogged extensively on all things globalisation and its politics on Global Conditions. The site is still available to read.